About Us


Sunday - 10:00 AM Worship Service

Who We Are

At Point of Grace, you’ll find a community to connect with, grow in your relationship with Jesus, and discover a life full of potential and promise. Our church is made up of people from different walks of life with a diverse range of experiences, but we all share one common desire: to experience the transformative power of Jesus in our lives!

We believe God has called us to make disciples—and that means investing our time, skills, and resources to make sure we become true disciples of Jesus. We invite you to be part of this mission of making disciples. Here are our distinctive.


Because we recognize our own brokenness and God’s overwhelming love we have every reason to be gracious. We are committed to a life that exudes grace towards others. As a matter of fact, our stories are a mosaic of grace.

12 …and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. Matthew 6:12 (ESV)


We stand by the gospel message. We are sinful but not hopeless, Jesus died and rose from the grave to save us from sins. We are deeply committed not to the ever changing cultural fads and innovations but to the unchanging content of the gospel of Jesus.

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the jew, then to the gentile.”—Romans 1:16


We believe that spiritual journey is a matter of community, that’s why we work together, struggle together and most importantly we dream together. It is this hunger and persistence for true godliness that inevitably keeps us focused on our calling. We are committed to a life that passionately pursues spiritual disciplines.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”—Acts 2:42

What We Do

We are committed to building an authentic community of Jesus' disciples who are passionate in their faith.
We believe that when disciples are true to their calling, their lives will have an impact on the lives of people around them.

Our sole mission is to make disciples of Jesus.

What We Dream To Become

Our vision is to produce a gracious driven, gospel centered and godly disciples of Jesus.
We want to see our church become a true multi cultural, multi generational church community,
a place where one can find purpose and belongingness in Broward County.

Meet Our Team

We have a great team at Point of Grace and we are here for you.

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